Saturday, June 19, 2010

Needle Tines

I sure do like these things. It only takes a couple of days to finish all of the greens and there truly is no disruption to ball roll. Usually we'll get comments about the greens being faster after this practice and that is caused by rolling multiple times behind the aerifier.

Here is a short video to give you a better look and listen. The process is so smooth, quick, and quiet that we plan to do it monthly to improve rooting and to keep some oxygen in the upper soil profile.

Next Monday we will start fairway aerification which will include pulling some plugs and dragging the surface with a steel mat to break them up. We will blow the remaining mess into the rough and use the spoils to smooth out the dips and bumps just like we use sand on the greens, which will also be completed on Monday.

More posts to come, thanks for reading.

