Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fairy Ring Follow-up

The fairways are starting to look good as some summer heat is finally kicking in.  Our summer-long slow release fertilizer has been applied, all of the sprinklers have a new nozzle configuration, and the few diseases the fairways experience are under control.  

The first disease we battled this year was fairy ring and the battle rages on.  Most of the spots we treated are no longer active and have healed very well.  If the ryegrass was able to survive the disease it came back to life and quickly filled the sunken ring.  Other spots remained bare and had to wait for bermuda to fill the void.  We tried to seed a few spots, but the pre-emergent crabgrass control took care of the seedlings as they emerged.  

Back in May I mentioned how fairy ring can be a bermuda conversion tool and the picture below illustrates this point.  

The lighter colored portion is common bermuda that grew in from the sides of the disease pattern.  Of course, we have better ways to convert to bermuda and the results of this ugly ring is not part of the best option.

One other disease we control this time of year is Southern Blight which was the first disease profile for this blog. http://sgccturf.blogspot.com/2009/06/disease-profile-southern-blight.html  

We have our timing and locations dialed in so we just wait for the heat to control this pest.  Rob is probably spraying it right now.

Stay tuned for more updates on course conditions and maintenance practices.  We have some busy days ahead with a light topdress (dusting) of the greens this week, fairway aerification starting next Monday, and a verticut of our collars, tees, and approaches.

