Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall Aerification

It is that time again, the time for fall aeration.

We have just about 100% covered again with our bent grass on the greens. We aerated the greens in a little different order than has been done in the past here at Stockton G&CC. Several members have asked me how it is different from previous aeration's.

Here is a break down of the process.

The sand added is thicker than a normal top dressing and will help to prevent tire marks as we pull plugs in the next step
First we add sand onto the green.

The sand added is thicker than a normal top dressing and will help to prevent tire marks as we pull plugs in the next step.

Step 2- Aerate the green

As the greens are being aerated, the vibration of the machine helps begin the process of incorporating sand into the tine holes.


Step 3- Drag the plugs with a metal mat.

After the green is aerated and the plugs are a little more dried out, we then drag a metal drag mat over the green to break up the plugs.

The sand on the plugs is separated from the vegetative material and is blended with the top dressing sand.

(Why waste any of the existing sand that contains the results of the current fertilizer program I say.)

Step 4- Remove the vegetative material.

We then use back pack blowers to blow the vegetative matter into piles for removal.

Add granular fertilizers to help in the health and recovery of the greens.

Step 5- Drag sand and fertilizer into holes.

A combination of a brush and also a metal drag  mat is used to work the sand and fertilizer into the aerification holes.

The irrigation is then turned on to help wash the sand and fertilizer into the holes and the canopy of the green surface.

Four days after aeration

Over the next four days we added extra sand into the aeration holes that were not filled completely, and further brushing and mat dragging followed to fully incorporate the sand.

Walk mowing on day eight.

We began by cutting the greens with a triplex machine, but quickly moved to walk mowing five days later.

The holes are closing over quickly. and we started rolling the greens to maintain smoothness.

#12 Green after ten days.

#12 green pictured left, and the rest of the greens are now at regular height again, water has been decreased to begin drying and firming the surface, rolling continues to firm the greens back to the speeds we  enjoy.

I will post again over the next days and week the further proceedures we perform to get the green back into great shape and continued health.

See you on the golf course.

