Saturday, December 17, 2011

TAKE ACTION!!! Save Sharp Park

I am asking for your help today.  Sharp Park Golf Club in Pacifica, CA is a historically significant golf course that entertains 55,000 rounds a year.  The golfers make up all walks of life, colors, and collars.  Average round price is about $35 for a resident, which is very cheap in the San Francisco Bay.

Last Tuesday, the SF Board of Supervisors voted to turn the park over to the National Park Service which is not interested in maintaining the golf course and will seek other uses for the land.  This would be a terrible blow to golf in California.

The main issue is the residency of two endangered species, the San Francisco gartersnake and the red legged frog.  Neither of these creatures could have survived in this environment prior to the construction of the golf course.  The golf course seperated the salty marsh from the ocean creating a fresh water sanctuary for the San Francisco Garter Snake and California Red-legged Frog.

I encourage to read this amazing article written by Bo Links and Richard Harris in the Golf Club Atlas: MacKenzie's Sharp Park Under Siege. This article discusses the historical significance of Alister MacKenzie's creation, the course's contribution to golf, and the environmental impact it has had.  You can also visit the Save Sharp Park website for much more information on the property.

After last Tuesday's vote, it is up to the mayor of San Francisco to veto the ordinance within the next ten days.  The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America and many of the local superintendent chapters in California have been busy with an email campaign all week trying to save this golf gem.  I am asking for your help.  There is great power in numbers and a grassroots campaign can stop this mistake before it happens.

Click on the link below to send an email directly to San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee.  All you need to do is fill in some contact info and hit send.  One minute of your time to have your voice heard and keep one of golf's treasures active and available.  ACT NOW!!!!   GCSAA ACTION ALERT

