Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Master Po, I hear the grasshopper

There's no better way to introduce a newly acquired machine than by referencing Kung Fu. Yes, young Caine, this is a Grasshopper unit and the front attachment is a Buffalo Blower. We are still working on last week's clippings and this machine is making quick work of the job.

Mario Estrada is on the unit blowing rough along the fairway of number 16. Monday, we had three people mowing rough, two people on blowers, and two more dragging fences and mats to break up this mess. By the looks of the photo below, we got to this section of rough just in time.

We got the Grasshopper unit in a trade for a broken down rough unit. We were tired of fixing the thing and it was sitting in our junk pile when an interested friend offered a trade. This little blower is packed with power and you will be seeing it frequently on the course cleaning cart paths, spreading clippings, and gathering fallen leaves.

Old man, how is it that you hear these things? ---------- Young man, how is it that you do not?

