Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tree Program: Trees for sale and going fast

On Tuesday, December 7th, Stockton Golf and Country Club held their Annual Election Meeting and introduced the Tree Removal and Planting Program to the membership.  Maps for both Phase I and Phase II were on display for members' review and a sign up sheet for tree donations was also available.  After the Tree Program was described in detail, the floor was open to donations and WOW!!!  The members came forward quickly, racking up the total to 33 trees within 15 minutes.

Cost per tree is $150 which includes tree cost plus delivery, tree removal, stump grinding, staking, and architectural fees.  Other costs (non-replanting removals and labor) will be absorbed in the Maintenance Department's tree budget.  The first load of trees is on the way and hopefully, if Mother Nature cooperates, we will begin some plantings next week. 

The goal of the program is obviously to improve and maintain the forested look of the golf course with mature and viable trees.  We also aim to recoup expenses with member donations and it looks like the program will be a huge success.  All of the members are part owners of the property and what better way to take ownership than sponsoring a tree that will be part of the club for many, many years. 

A huge thanks to the membership for stepping up and paying for this major improvement.  To date, we are up to 45 tree donations and more keep rolling in daily.  If you have any questions about the program, don't hesitate to send an email or call the office.

Check back often as I will update our progress on the tree program quite frequently. Future posts will include profiles on the trees being planted, updates on current course work, and explanations of design strategies.  Finally, for those of you checking the blog for the first time; take a look at the archive that includes over 120 short articles about golf course maintenance and Stockton GCC.

